Hospital Update

Had the appointment with the professor today. 

Got to have another MRI early next week, then a possible meeting with the neurosurgeon again the week after. If we don’t have to attend that, the professor and neurosurgeon will discuss our case again and then we will meet with the professor after that.

So basically, we don’t know anything else and I don’t much feel like trying to make this post longer.

Will let you know updates next week.

Bit of an update

Next scan is on Thursday. Fingers crossed that we’ll get some idea as to when Seabass will be delivered. We were told any time from our 34 week point, which is 2 weeks on Friday – scary thought!!

We’ve started getting things ready now for his arrival. The pram, nursery furniture, some clothes and some toys have been bought, so it is all starting to feel a bit more real now. The nursery has been painted bright yellow – a nice, happy colour!!! 

My sister had her baby last week. She is a little cutie. Her arrival has made us more excited about Seabass arriving, and less apprehensive. Though there are still so many unknowns. We don’t know how long he’ll stay in hospital for, when they’ll perform the surgery, whether he’ll be transferred straight away to the children’s hospital – all questions we will need to ask on Thursday. All questions we will hopefully get answers to on Thursday.

Will keep you all updated. Part of me hopes the little man will be here in a couple of weeks as I’m excited to see him, but it is pretty early to arrive.

Enjoy your bank holiday xx